The Gates of Dactin
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» The Rebellion ( Za'azuu, Adsila Aiyana, Damone', A-16, Annie, Felix, Myka Vanderbeau, Hannah Quiggley Flores )
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» Time to think {Hannah Quiggley Flores & Felix}
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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Re: Character Submissions

Post  Baka-Kun Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:25 am

Character name: Echo

Church of Dactin or Rebellion Force? Rebellion Force

Caste Rung: Moyen

Rank: medic

Appearance: light brown colored hair down to middle back,green/blue eyes and pale face/6,2

Age: 23

Personality: thick headed but gets the job done right or most of the time

Likes and dislikes:likes wind in is hair but hates higher classes looking down on him

History i was young at the time of the war and alone to something had happened to my mother my dad said she was with the other side but i did not know what that father later died when i was 15 unable to save him i became a medic so i could learn how to save others

Character History:

Family History: mother left at age 3 and father was shot and killed

Abilities (if applicable) thermal vision and speed

Major Ability: sensitive smell

Minor Ability:

Ability Downfall: anything in eyes or nose will impair abilities

Last edited by Baka-Kun on Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)


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Join date : 2011-11-06

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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Re: Character Submissions

Post  leprosyrosy Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:31 am

Pretty please elaborate on the following :
Character History
Family History

Please use better grammar and decide whether you want to post in first or third person.
Thank you.


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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty for your consideration: ANNIE

Post  emrys Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:20 pm

Character name:Angela "Annie" Sceptic

Church of Dactin or Rebellion Force?Rebellion force

Caste Rung: Moyen

Rank: Paid servant and spy for the rebellion

Appearance: 5'4 reddish haired green eyes, strong build and easy on the eyes.
Character Submissions - Page 2 Barmade2
Age: 19

Personality: The least lady like lady you'll ever meet. she snorts
when she laughs and curses whenever she can get away with it.
She doesn't handle flirtation very well even though that's what she gets paid for.
She has a very free spirit that has yet to be broken, very willful and independent.
Despite her above average looks she has trouble keeping a man because of her abilities.

Likes and dislikes:
LIKES: Likes bar fights, loud parties, jewelery, and the Tavern's ale.
DISLIKES: Hates slow nights, perverted patrons, and slovenly/dirty people.


Character History: Hired to work in the Tavern by it's owner. Annie keeps it clean with spit and polish, she's not well paid but it's enough. She grew up learning that her family wasn't the greatest but they could be and her father had hopes for one day achieving genetic purity. She didn't agree with her father, then or now, and isn't about to change who she is for anything. Her father left when she was ten willing to do anything for purity and was fooled by man who said he could get the job done cheap. After the charlatan took all the money her family had he injected poison into her, her mother, and her father. only her and her mother survived the poison by cleaning it out of their systems.

Family History: For at least the last four generations, maybe longer she's not sure, the women all have had the same cleaning ability. This has given them the chance to climb up only a single rung in the caste. The women before her were servants of the higher Admis and puissant classes keeping their whites white and their shinnies shiny. because of the demand for servants from her family she has many aunts and cousins who work for high ranking and wealthy families.

Abilities (if applicable)

Major Ability: Her saliva can clean, heal, cure, and polish, as required. and possibly poison if needed she's never tried. As she salivates she can form various compounds like but not limited to, bleach, antiseptic, peroxide, antibiotics, hairspray, perfume(when combined to her minor ability), and polish.

Minor Ability: She can add fragrances to her saliva, ie. mint, pine, new car, floral, etc.

Ability Downfall: her kiss tastes like peroxide if she doesn't rinse her mouth thoroughly. Though she always smells fresh and clean.

Last edited by Emrys on Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:53 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Abbilities, spelling, and grammer.)

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-11-07
Age : 41
Location : that place

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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Re: Character Submissions

Post  Mytzie Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:36 pm

Your profile has improved greatly. Approved.

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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Alexander Mursten

Post  DarknesEmperor Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:46 am

Name: Alexander Mursten

Church or Rebellion: Rebellion

Caste Rung: Moyen

Rank: Soldier

Age: 25

Height: 6'0".
Big, well built. Short hair. Scar on right cheek. Always smiling. Dark skinned with several burn marks on his hands. Jet-black hair. Wears tanktops with camo pants. Carries an assortment of weapons on his back. Wears black military boots.

Personality: Tend to be soft-hearted, but gets worked up pretty easily. He trains a lot to keep his body in shape, but he simply loves food. Tends to speak a bit like: Dat's da spirit! Git yer game on bud! He cares a lot for children, for he thinks that they don't deserve a world lke this. He likes to pick fights, but only with those who deserve it. He tends to collect rare weapons that harness a lot of power. Can be pretty childish at times.

Likes: Money, food, children, and his weapons
dislikes: The opression and the injustice of this world, arrogant people and people who refuse to pay him.


Character History:
He had a rough childhood. His dad was an alcoholic and his mom left them when he was barely 3. He used to hate the world, but then he decided that instead of waiting for someone to change it, he would change it himself. He started building his body up and at the age of 15 left his father to his misery and started working as a merecenary. He was found by the Rebellion when working on a mission and taken into account for their troops, he accepted as long as he had enough food and a good supply of weapons. He continues to work as a mercenary, but he's always happy to kick some Church butt when the Rebellion need of him.

Family history:
His father is an alcoholic left to his misery and his mom left them when he barely 3. He is probably the first in a few generations to have pyrokinesis, but he's not sure. There have been records of pyrokinesers on his family, but those were long ago. He has no brothers, sisters or immediate family to attend to, but for him the Rebellion is now his only family.

-Mayor: Pyrokinesis, can manipulate fire around him by using oxygen as medium.
-Minor: Slight regeneration, can heal minor wounds quickly, but deep ones take time.

Ability Downfall: Loss of control of his pyrokinesis when angered.

Last edited by DarknesEmperor on Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : This better? I don't really know what more to add, D:)

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Join date : 2011-11-11
Age : 29
Location : Hyrule :B

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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Re: Character Submissions

Post  Mytzie Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:57 am


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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Charlie

Post  Magick.Rainbow.Tits.~ Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:47 am

Character name: Charlotte (Charlie)

Church of Dactin or Rebellion Force? Rebellion Force

Caste Rung: Moyen

Rank: Spy

Appearance: Charlie is about 5'6, and her build could be described as very lean and athletic. Her skin is rather tan. She has long Orange hair, which is usually clipped up, and a very thin defined face. Her eyes are a bright shade of blue and freckles are scattered across her face. Oh, and she has an amazing rack.

Age: 22

Personality: Charlie is a very outgoing person, although a lot of the times she ends up making an ass out of herself, mainly it works to her advantage. She's a very friendly, very easygoing person. At the same time, she's not one you can walk over. She tends to naturally favor women more than men, mainly because the only male in her family was her father, who was....stressed a lot raising her. She takes her work seriously, and is damn good at her job. Whatever personality she has completely changes once she's given a mission. She suddenly becomes very serious, and locks onto the task at hand.

Likes and dislikes:
Likes: Fish, Cooking, Red Whine, Intelligence, Friendly people, and being on the Shoreline of any coast.
Dislikes: Arrogance, The Church of Dactin, Drunkards, Bullies, and people who try to belittle her.


Character History:
Charlotte grew up in a house of 8, Her mother, Father, and 5 sisters. Although two of them were already grown when she reached the age of 5, life at home was still complicated. Yet, despite the fact her family was cramped in a tiny little shack at the very edge of the city, secluded in wilderness, and the constant fights her dad started with many of them, she admits it wasn't all too bad. She still woke up every morning to her mother's cooking of what little they had, her mother somehow managing to make some of the best meals with missing ingredients or substitutes. Her father was gone a lot, he hunted a lot which provided a lot of the food they ate. His income was steady, and they weren't bad off financially.

She fulfilled a wish of a dear friend in eventually joining the rebellion. Her parents didn't involve themselves much in the caste system because of how far out they lived from the fighting. Really, the only person who went into the city was her father. While her father was gone, and her mother was busy tending to her younger sisters, she would often explore the area around their house. There were a couple of houses near them, and one was home to another little girl. The only problem is, she was an impurete.

They grew up together, she was attatched, then the Church of Dactin began to was a sad end to the little girl, and Charlotte doesn't particularly fancy talking, even thinking about it...

So, she moved to the city, where she promised to use every bit of effort in working for the Rebellion, and bringing down the Church.

Family History:
Her mother was an average housewife, and her husband a regular hunter. It was an ordinary family. They had been a part of the Moyen caste rung for a while now. It was actually her father's idea to move away from the city, and try to retain some normality without all of the fighting. He hated simply selling his meat on the market every week. Although, it was just another thing for him to bitch about.

Abilities (if applicable)

Major Ability: Extraordinary sight. The ability to see things yards away in perfect detail.

Minor Ability: n/a

Ability Downfall: If over-used, the eyes begin to strain. This could mean anything from a slight head-ache to temporary blindness.

Posts : 25
Join date : 2011-11-02
Age : 30
Location : Narnia[=

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Character Submissions - Page 2 Empty Re: Character Submissions

Post  leprosyrosy Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:59 pm

You need to be more active before I approve a second character. Final decision is up to Mytzie, though.


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